SICIS SPA-ontwerp LUXE , Kunst en SPA
We zijn trots om samen te werken met de Italiaanse mozaïekfabrikant SICIS. Zo creëren we exclusieve kunstobjecten die de klant verbazen en verwonderen.
Wie heeft er nou zo’n exclusief design object in de tuin, op het terras of bij het zwembad staan en dat met heel veel gezondheidsvoordelen. Een volwaardige HIGH-END SPA: stoombad met geurinjectie, zoutinhalatie, thee-inhalatie, aangename infrarood stralingswarmte.
Verpakt in een elegant design – Bij SICIS worden de mozaïeken nog handmatig ingesteld om een afbeelding te vormen (ontwerp naar wens van de klant is ook mogelijk).
Geïnteresseerd in een handgemaakte Sicis-stijl hut? Neem dan contact met ons op.

Net zoals bijna de gehele SPA-cabine bij SOLEUM met de hand wordt gemaakt, worden ook de exclusieve mozaïektegels van SICIS in een zeer complex werkproces gemaakt.
Aangezien er meer dan 900 kleuren beschikbaar zijn, kan op verzoek van de klant bijna elk mozaïekontwerp worden gelegd.
Mithologie – Art Couture Collection

Shangrila Kingdom – Art Couture Collection

Alchimia 2 Gaia – Colibrì Collection

Cristallite Zebra – Diamond Collection

Cristallite Zebra – Diamond Collection

We at SICIS S.r.l. –The Art Mosaic Factory (“SICIS”), thank you for your trust, we appreciate your patronage and we aim to provide you with the best
materials and mosaic products and the highest level of design and technical services.
The rendering(s), technical specification(s), SICIS® product selection and interior design solutions provided herewith (including graphic and technical
support) (the “Work”) were developed and created by the SICIS design and technical team solely and exclusively for use in connection with SICIS®
products for the above-referenced project. Any other use is explicitly prohibited and a violation of SICIS’s rights with respect to the Work and of the
terms and conditions pursuant to which SICIS is providing them to you.
The Work is the property of SICIS.
SICIS reserves all rights in and to the Work, including, without limitation, all Intellectual Property rights and Copyright.
The making of any copy, reproduction –in whole or in part-, or any other use of the Work other than in connection with placing an order with SICIS, will
be prosecuted to the full extent of the law against the unauthorized user(s) and the intended ultimate beneficiary of the project.
SICIS retains the right to charge the party requesting the Work for the services rendered by SICIS in connection therewith in the event the Work is used
in contravention of the terms hereof.
SICIS was founded in 1987 and soon became worldwide leader in the mosaics production, making prestigious international projects in the contract and
residential sector.
Thanks to its unique works and collections, the mosaic is transformed from a simple covering into a communication tool, an expression of trends.
In line with this dynamism, the company takes a wider and more complete path.
New coating materials are introduced on the market. Last of these Vetrite, an innovative product with an aesthetic content that makes it suitable for
many uses and interpretations.
At the same time, in a strategic brand extension, it enters the world of interior design and furniture with the SICIS Home Collection division, The Next
Art, a well-rounded lifestyle project.
The Next Art collections are refined and cozy at the same time, luxury that also means comfort. SICIS looks at the harmony of the space and each element
determines the elegance of the ambience as a whole. The furnishings are combined with artistic mosaic panels, or with Vetrite wainscoting by SICIS, in
other cases the walls are adorned with tapestries of SICIS Textyle limited edition line, as well as the ceilings and floors, the lights, up to doors.
The Company works on quality, from the choice of materials, to production systems, in every working phase, down to the smallest detail and collaborating
only with artisans and experts who respect the best working traditions, able to give life to wanted objects and exclusive room.
Each project can be completely customized and realized from the start to the finished execution.
SICIS® products, and in particular artistic mosaic products, are unique works of art some of which are handcrafted by mosaic artists.
The colors of SICIS® mosaic or glass products are either natural occurring colors or are colors created by mixing and melting natural materials.
The sale of the SICIS® products is not a sale by sample and samples and images of the products are merely illustrative. SICIS does not represent nor does
it warrant that its products, in particular mosaic products, will be identical to samples or images of such products. Moreover, mosaic tesserae may chip
during the manufacturing process and natural materials as well as colored stone, or glass or enamel or other composite materials may vary in color, hue
or shade. Natural material or glass chips may also show planar imperfections and/or slight differences in thickness. Therefore, SICIS does not warrant nor
shall SICIS be liable for or be required to replace or otherwise indemnify purchaser of SICIS® products (a) because a sample or image or a design was not
reproduced exactly, or (b) because the mosaic products required adjustments at the time of installation and may require extra material; or (c) because
of chipped tiles, planar imperfections and slight differences in thickness, or variations in color, hue or shade.
We produceren drie zeeklimaatcabines en stoombaden voor buitengebruik
U kunt kiezen uit drie verschillende zeeklimaatcabines zoals OMEGA, EGG en ELLIPSE. Elk van de hutten is geschikt voor maximaal 4 personen. Ze verschillen in design en comfort. OMEGA en EGG lijken op elkaar, maar onze SOLEUM EGG maakt indruk met de imposante grote vorm van een ei. De ELLIPSE is het ruimste buitenstoombad, het biedt twee verwarmde ligstoelen en comfortstoelen en dus maximale ontspanning bij inademen en zweten.
Voor veeleisende mensen en voor de luxe hotelindustrie bieden we exclusieve verwarmde ligstoelen exclusieve verwarmde ligstoelen als aanvulling op de buitenstoombaden aan: VERWARMDE LOUNGERS van SOLEUM. We bieden u ook een volledig nieuw SPA-concept: Verwarmde ligstoelen met 3D-vuur
Eigenschappen en optionele opties
Standaard uitrusting
optionele manieren